Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Starting Day 2

I weighed myself this morning to see if it was true that you could loose 2-3 lbs in the first day. It's true. I lost 3 lbs. Granted its all water weight, but so far the "promise" is true.

So to recap what I ate yesterday: a half cup black coffee, 10 cups water, watermelon, 2 apples, cantaloupe, blueberries, 1 animal cracker. I think that was it.

Day 2 of the diet says to start the day with a baked potato with a pat of butter. I used all our potatoes up Monday to make a Shepard's pie so I started the day with a slice of whole wheat bread and a pat of smart balance light. For the rest of today, I have veggies to eat. I may run out and see if I can get a bag of salad and some apple cider vinegar for dressing. I also need to get more fruit for tomorrow. I'm debating if I should get the stuff for day 4 while I'm out. Maybe I will. I need to get skim milk and bananas. I'm finicky on my bananas though so it'll have to depend on how "green" Kroger bananas are today. Interestingly, the diet doesn't specify what kind of milk to drink on day 4, but skim makes the most sense.

Did I mention today is going to be harder than yesterday? I expect to be hungrier today as I don't like veggies much. OOH! I'm going to get some green peppers. I wonder if I can saute them with cooking spray, rather than extra virgin olive oil?

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