Monday, March 3, 2008

Holy tshirt, Batman!

I peered out of my window yesterday to behold.... the first robins of spring. For all that we are still going to get some nasty weather this week, they were certainly a welcome sight.

Today, for all the rain and grayness, is a lovely day. I have the windows open to get some fresh air. Fifty degrees sure is warm when compared to twenty degrees!

There is nary a sound in the hall right now. I'm thankful for the reprieve. The students are gone on spring break and will be back later this weekend.

The family is headed to Cleveland for a short vacation with my parents. It'll be nice to get a change of scenery.

On an allergy note, we've been in a rut as far as what to serve Caden for lunches. I tried sunbutter some months ago, and that afternoon, Caden spit up. Thinking it could be a sign of allergy (or just aggravating to suspected reflux), I didn't give it to him again. Well, we tried it for lunch today, and it was a hit! My little carb-aholic licked it off the bread. This will be awesome for when we need to travel or are going to eat at an unsafe restaurant.

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