Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Awesome Allergy Product

Well, now that I ordered mine, I can spread the word. This weekend I decided that part of our Advent celebrations needed to include a chocolate Advent calendar. Evidently its a tall order to find an allergy friendly Advent calendar in the US. If you're in the UK, you have lots of options, here..... not so much.

I posted a thread at www.kidswithfoodallergies.com and someone told me to check out Amanda's Own Advent Calendar. Well, I just ordered it and can't wait to get it in the mail.

If you're seeking a allergy friendly Advent calendar, you should check it out: http://www.amandasown.com/christmas.html

Yay for Amanda's Own!


Brenna Kate Simonds, Living Unveiled said...

Too bad they have soy in them :(

Heather said...

I know! Caden has only just lately, in the last few months, been able to tolerate soy lecithin.