Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm SO thrilled to finally agree with the AAP on something

I've never agreed with the minimum recommendations to keep a toddler rear facing ONLY until age 1. Nothing magical happens at day 365 of a child's life. Their necks aren't suddenly stronger, they aren't suddenly less fragile. The AAP just changed its minimum recommendations of rear facing for one year to a minimum of two years, preferably until they outgrow their convertibles rear facing recommendations by height OR weight:

Britax is one of the higher weight convertibles. Caden, at 3 years 1 month, is only just 35 lbs, and he's heavy for his age. Normal weight kids could probably be rear facing in their Britaxes until closer to age 4 or later.

Car accidents are the leading cause of death of toddlers. I hope that these new recommendations are followed by all parents and lower the death rate for toddlers.

Did you know that Britain requires kids under 4ft 5 inches, up the age of 12 be in a booster seat? Did you know that in Sweden, they recommend car seats be rear facing until the age of 4? I hope that the US follows quickly behind in these recommendations, and that car seat manufacturers provide more seats with higher rear facing weight limits.

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