Anyway. This is soy, dairy, and rice free. Surprisingly (or not, if you're familiar with food allergies), some people are allergic to all three. Happily this is where Vance's Dari Free comes in (so long as they aren't allergic to potatos too).
We only use Vance's for cooking, and because of the cost, I only use it for cooking certain things. When I was on Caden's dairy free diet, I sorely missed gravies. Maybe the southern blood doesn't run so thin in the third generation, after all. Enter Vance's. While its not the same as cow milk, it has a better taste for gravies than any other "milk" substitute out there. Jason will even eat my hamburger gravy or sausage gravy when I make it with Dari Free.
I haven't been able to find it in any stores in the area, so I order it online when I need it from either Ms. Robbins (the allergy grocer), Vance's website or Amazon (I think I can get it at Amazon).
If you're dairy free and missing your gravies, get thee some Vance's!
Thanks for the heads up!
Ooh--thanks! Dd2 is showing a lot of eczema, although no fussiness, etc, but I'm thinking of eliminating airy for a few weeks just to see if it makes a difference.
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