Since this was reputed to be good on my allergy board (, I decided I
had to try it. Well, I finally found it yesterday. It puts every other vegan ice cream to shame (well except the one I make at home, of course).
Caden loved it. I liked it. Should I need to go dairy free ever again, I will not miss my ice cream. And if I ever meet who created this for Turtle Mountain, I will probably fall into their arms weeping with gratitude. Hey, I might even mow their lawn for them! It's made entirely from coconut milk. No dairy, no soy. And frankly, any soy ice cream I've ever
eaten has tasted like vomit compared to the wonderful taste of Purely Decadent made with coconut milk.
Rumor had it a couple weeks ago, that Turtle Mountain was also releasing a line of coconut milk yogurt. Much to my delight, it is now being advertised on their website. My local Whole Foods dairy manager had better plan on carrying this at the new store, otherwise I'll be harassing him until he orders it for me, err Caden. We've used Ricera in the past, and Caden likes it okay. I, however, cannot stomach it. I'm hoping that this will follow the genius of coconut milk ice cream though and be more palatable. Still I'm not knocking Ricera, its a great product, but if something tastes better... eat it!
Yay for Turtle Mountain!
Hi, this is Tim from Turtle Mountain. Thanks for the terrific review. I think you'll like the coconut yogurt just as much as the Ice Cream. BTW, the person who created the ice cream is my boss. I'll let him know how much you like it.
Ariana loves this, too. The other day she got into the freezer very, very quietly and polished off the rest of the container before I got to her. :D
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