Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dairy free, soy free, and egg free pancakes

Saturdays are breakfast for lunch or dinner days in our house. I recently bought Purely Decadents new coconut milk beverage (really great, by the way). I discovered that it makes an awesome pancake, so here's my recipe:

2 cups regular Bisquik (pretty sure the low fat crap has dairy)
1/2 c of rice milk
1/2 c of Purely Decadent coconut milk beverage
2 tbsp flax meal
4 tbsp warm water
brown sugar

mix your flax meal and warm water and set aside for about four minutes. It should gel. Mix your bisquik, dash of vanilla, dash of cinnamon, about 1/8 c of brown sugar in a mixing bowl. Add your milks (I add a little more because I like a thinner pancake). Add your vanilla and flax meal gel. Let it sit for another minute, then cook on a slightly oiled griddle as normal.

I'm sure you could use a full cup of coconut milk but it'll taste, well, coconutty. Which, while it might be yummy in its own way, isn't what I want on a typical Saturday. I bet it would rock though if you also added half a cup of finely chopped pineapple (and decreased the liquid a bit).

At some point, I intend to see if their coconut milk beverage will make a good pudding, like regular coconut milk does. Hopefully someone at Turtle Mountain will read this and take a hint to make a pre packaged coconut milk pudding. Hint, hint.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Awesome New Allergy Product

Because I love Turtle Mountain and Turtle Mountain evidently loves me....

Well, the almond isn't exactly allergy friendly, but they have plain chocolate covered ones too. I had one yesterday and wow! So good! I can't decide whether or not to give some to Caden, even though I really bought them for him. I want them all to myself!

They also have ice cream sandwich style too and I'm really excited to try those soon.

And according to their website ( ) they have a new coconut milk beverage coming out.

I think this is quickly turning into one of my favorite companies!

Wow. I've been quiet.

I didn't realize it has been nearly a month since I last posted. Dorm life is pretty quiet. We've been hiring like mad for next year, revamping our entire program to incorporate even more of a living/learning community now that we finally have the faculty on board.

We're also in the midst of spring break and I'm revealing in the silence of the residence hall. No slamming doors. No balls bouncing in the hallways. No screaming in the lobby. No knocking on the swipe door by the people who forgot their card for the 9234839th time. Ah bliss!