Oh sweet, gooey deliciousness
How wonderful you are
Please be mine, you're truly divine
You're even good out of the jar.
What hole have I lived in that I have missed out on lemon curd my whole life? I know its essentially the same thing as the inner portion of a lemon meringue pie, but as mom always used pudding for that, I have missed out on real lemon curd. I love this stuff and I hate lemon meringue pie. Its creamy and gooey and lemony and sweet.
If you've been in a hole too, run (don't walk) to the closest gourmet market, Cost Plus, anywhere that might have it. Get your shortbread ready (or scones) and sail in. Be prepared to die a little bit, because it is so good.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Suicide Prevention
I'm reminded by an unfortunately close to home incident of the importance of suicide prevention.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for 25-34 year old and the second leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds. Males are more likely to commit suicide and account for the majority of suicide related deaths, however women attempt suicide more often. Approximately 89 suicides occur in the US each day. Facts compiled from: http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/suicide/SuicideDataSheet.pdf
Parents, you know your child better than any resident director, better than any resident advisor. If your child is exhibiting behaviors that are not normal for them, please address it with them. Please do not put your head in the sand. Similarily, if they have attempted suicide or if they have a mental illness or suffered a lose, those are things that would help the resident director and advisors to know. You can tell those things to them confidentially, but please do not keep that information hidden.
If you are considering suicide, please get help. No matter how unloved you feel, no matter how hopeless it seems, no matter what, your death will impact people in the way you could never imagine. Someone will blame themselves, someone will question whether they could have done something, people will be sad and will miss you terribly. No matter how bad it is, please don't be a statistic. Please don't break the hearts of those that love you. Please get help. If you feel that you cannot talk about this to anyone in person, please call: 1-800-SUICIDE.
Suicide does happen on college campuses. It happens on small and large campuses. At Christian and state schools. In the residence halls, at homes, at apartments. It does not discriminate. It could be your brother or sister, your room mate, the guy down the hall, your best bud. Please, if you suspect something odd or wrong, tell someone.
If someone close to you committed suicide, you have my utmost sympathy. You cannot control a person's choices. You cannot blame yourself. Please use your story to help others.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for 25-34 year old and the second leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds. Males are more likely to commit suicide and account for the majority of suicide related deaths, however women attempt suicide more often. Approximately 89 suicides occur in the US each day. Facts compiled from: http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/suicide/SuicideDataSheet.pdf
Parents, you know your child better than any resident director, better than any resident advisor. If your child is exhibiting behaviors that are not normal for them, please address it with them. Please do not put your head in the sand. Similarily, if they have attempted suicide or if they have a mental illness or suffered a lose, those are things that would help the resident director and advisors to know. You can tell those things to them confidentially, but please do not keep that information hidden.
If you are considering suicide, please get help. No matter how unloved you feel, no matter how hopeless it seems, no matter what, your death will impact people in the way you could never imagine. Someone will blame themselves, someone will question whether they could have done something, people will be sad and will miss you terribly. No matter how bad it is, please don't be a statistic. Please don't break the hearts of those that love you. Please get help. If you feel that you cannot talk about this to anyone in person, please call: 1-800-SUICIDE.
Suicide does happen on college campuses. It happens on small and large campuses. At Christian and state schools. In the residence halls, at homes, at apartments. It does not discriminate. It could be your brother or sister, your room mate, the guy down the hall, your best bud. Please, if you suspect something odd or wrong, tell someone.
If someone close to you committed suicide, you have my utmost sympathy. You cannot control a person's choices. You cannot blame yourself. Please use your story to help others.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Oh, Spring, Where Art Thou?
So sick of winter. I'm absolutely desperate for at least 50 degree weather, dry ground, and sunshine. Oh what bliss would be mine, if we could just play outside. I'm anxious for the first robin and to see the first crocus push through the ground. I'm anxious to plant my spring veggies and smell the scents of spring.
These last few weeks are always the hardest.
I spent an evening last week, bored out of my mind, until I decided to google obscure cities in Nunavut, Canada. It was very interesting. As much as I bemoan the length of winter here in the midwest, I can't imagine the length of winter in the far north. I think it would be fascinating to visit there when its their spring. That will probably be an unfulfilled wish, but it would be an interesting experience.
These last few weeks are always the hardest.
I spent an evening last week, bored out of my mind, until I decided to google obscure cities in Nunavut, Canada. It was very interesting. As much as I bemoan the length of winter here in the midwest, I can't imagine the length of winter in the far north. I think it would be fascinating to visit there when its their spring. That will probably be an unfulfilled wish, but it would be an interesting experience.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Lame, Martha, Lame.
I posted last week on Martha Stewart running a voting contest for a magazine publication. One of those options was a publication on food allergies. The allergy community voted en masse and gave the allergy publication 54% (57%?), more than any other votes for any of the other options. The pet publication came in second. Guess which one Martha is doing? Hint: it won't benefit me any.
So Martha, I call it Lame, with a capital L. Why do the contest? Why get up the hopes of the allergy community? There are already many pet publications out there. There are no mainstream allergy publications in the US at all.
Very disappointing.
So Martha, I call it Lame, with a capital L. Why do the contest? Why get up the hopes of the allergy community? There are already many pet publications out there. There are no mainstream allergy publications in the US at all.
Very disappointing.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy Birthday, Little Man!
Caden's birthday was yesterday. We had his party on Saturday. He really seemed to enjoy playing with his cousins and Grandpa (and even has a lovely rug burn on his forehead as a result). The family all seemed to enjoy it as well. Besides some finger foods, I made a wacky cake (incidentally, Caden is reacting to butter flavored crisco) and dairy free ice cream. Everyone raved about the ice cream. It was simply Rich's Whipped Topping, Coconut milk, and chocolate pudding. I think it was Caden's first time having ice cream (he has had sorbet before).

He got a whole mess of presents that we don't have much room to accomodate. I should probably weed through his toys again and donate the neglected ones.
I'll attach some pictures at the bottom.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. This will be my first year celebrating Lent. I intend to read Lent based devotionals and forego sweets. I wish I had someone to take me to an Ash Wednesday service. I'm hesitent to go on my own, but I'm increasingly feeling the draw to a liturgical church. I know worship isn't about me, but I don't find much joy or comfort in our church services. When I contemplate the beauty and mystery of Liturgy, it feels much more holy to me. I think that sometimes, in my American common sense, I've tried to "nail down" God to fit that. When I read the Old Testament, I don't see how that is quite possible. God is a mystery and never fully reveals himself to us. He's the burning bush, the cloud, the voice, the dove, the wind. He is the ultimate mystery, and though He reveals snapshots of Himself to us, I don't think that mystery is solved until we see him without our physical limitations. He who knows us when we are a seed in our mother's womb, knows everyday of our life before we live even one, is veiled from us. Yes, we can approach him directly as a Father (praise God), but his essence is inexplicable. I say that all to say, that the matter of fact way that my Protestant, worship seems to overly simplfy God. There is no mystery there. There is no symbolism. And I wonder if that is really what worship was meant to be.
And on a much, much lighter note, here's my special guy. 
Friday, February 1, 2008
What A Mighty God We Serve
In doing my multi-daily check ins on Nate blog, I discovered some wonderful news. Gwenyth began kangaroo care last night with Nate! There are some absolutely precious pictures that you must see. And, Tricia will likely be placed on the transplant list as early as Monday. God is so awesome. Please give thanks to God on their behalf today and ask His continued blessings and guidance for them.
Nate's blog: http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/
For some reason the Doxology is on my heart, so, even though most people probably know it by heart, here it is for a reminder:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Nate's blog: http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/
For some reason the Doxology is on my heart, so, even though most people probably know it by heart, here it is for a reminder:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Go, Martha!
Okay. So Martha Stewart has a contest of sorts going on right now. She is currently taking votes at her blog for a special publication. She has a whole list to choose from but the most important one (in my not so humble opinion) is one on food allergies! How exciting would that be!!!! In fact I'd probably be line on the day its released in the stores to buy my very own copy. So in essence, I'm requesting that you vote for the food allergy publication if you have the time and inclination. It would really benefit millions of families who have to deal with this issue day in and out. I would be so excited to try new recipes.
Scroll down a bit to vote. Thanks
Scroll down a bit to vote. Thanks
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